Download SiteLink Software to Your Computer Download Now brings the full power of Internet marketing and social media to your lien sales without all the chaos of traditional auction day. brings the power of the internet to your auction process. With the ability to have a successful auction with any number of units, exposure to thousands of bidders, and an easy way to launch your auctions with their SiteLink integration where 97% of all data fields are automatically populated.

Online Auctions offer a hassle free No CHAOS Auction day:
NO Crowds - No Bad Weather – No waiting to have enough units to draw a big crowd.

By sending your Auction notice letters sooner (not waiting on multiple units) your tenants have a better chance of catching up on their rents – driving up collections/occupancy while lowering delinquencies.

Let show you how to use this tool to Grow Your Business!

How Works With SiteLink

The integration between SiteLink and software makes launching an auction a simple process. After logging into your Account you enter your SiteLink corporate code and login information. After that point, the two systems will continually communicate and move any tenant information, name, past due rents, late fees and auction fees that are in scheduled auction status. will automatically populate the data fields necessary to have an auction. The only thing the store manager will have to do is put the date and time of the auction, the size of the unit and add short descriptions and add the photographs.


Want to learn more about collections, delinquencies and online auctions?

Watch this in-depth, recorded webinar about the Chaos to Control: Collections, Delinquencies and Online Auctions. Learn how to succeed with any number of units, gain exposure to thousands of viewers, and automate the process



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Other SiteLink Marketplace Integrations

Check out other SiteLink Marketplace integrations and learn how they can bring more efficiency and control to your self-storage facility.

Call Centers
Insurance & Protection Plans
Insurance & Protection Plans
Tenant Notifications
Tenant Notifications
Websites, Marketing & Apps


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